Workers' compensation

What is workers' compensation?

Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance that can offer injured workers an important safety net if they are injured or become ill because of work.

If a worker is injured at work, they can lodge a claim against their employer's mandatory insurance policy to:

  • replace loss of income
  • pay medical and rehabilitation expenses, and
  • Compensate permanent impairment.

In the tragic circumstances where a worker is killed at work, workers’ compensation insurance provides for:

  • death entitlements
  • dependant payments
  • funeral expenses

See the links below for more specific information on workers’ compensation:

Who needs workers' compensation insurance?

How to make a workers' compensation insurance claim

How to get workers compensation insurance in the ACT

Other information:

Workers' Compensation FAQs (PDF 100KB) or (DOC 73KB)

Return to Work Coordinators and Training

Rehabilitation Providers and Applications

Injured Workers Service Canberra

WorkSafe ACT’s role in workers’ compensation:

The ACT private sector workers’ compensation scheme is privately underwritten by insurers approved by WorkSafe ACT.

WorkSafe ACT does not provide workers’ compensation insurance or have a role in making decisions on claims. If there is a disagreement about a compensation claim assessment decision, see the dispute resolution process that is available to you.

WorkSafe ACT is responsible for regulating the ACT’s private sector workers' compensation legislation. As the Regulator, we ensure employers and insurers are meeting their workers’ compensation obligations by:

  • investigating employee complaints and conducting compliance audits
  • seeking regulatory sanctions and/or prosecutions for non-compliance
  • overseeing insurer licensing, and
  • developing educational and other supporting material.

Compliance and enforcement actions taken under the Workers Compensation Act 1951 can be found in WorkSafe ACT’s compliance and enforcement snapshots which are published monthly.

For more information about employer obligations, read our guidance note (PDF 208KB) or (WORD 94KB).

To assist insurers, employers and workers operating within the ACT private sector workers’ compensation scheme, please review the ACT wages and earnings guide - December 2016

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